Ronald Ng Yuan Chang (马来西亚) 作曲、音乐制作人
I'm a self taught musician who got interested in music composition thanks to the influence
of the infamous game, Final Fantasy series. Ever since playing Final Fantasy series, I got
interested into music composition and decided to venture into it and hope to be as
successful as Nobuo Uematsu. I'm still quite new in this field and have done some minor
projects such as the game "Infiltration Zero" on IOS gaming platform & currently doing
contract job with JumpinGym which is base in Hong Kong.
我是一个自学的音乐人,对游戏音乐的爱好是收到著名的最终幻想(Final Fantasy)游戏系列所影响
在这行我还是新人,做过一些小游戏(iOS上的Infiltration Zero),以及一家香港公司JumpinGym